The 988 Colorado Mental Health Line (988) is the easy-to-remember number that allows anyone with emotional, mental health, or substance use concerns to be immediately connected with a trained specialist. 988 offers free, immediate, confidential human support 24/7. If you or someone you know is struggling, with an emotional, mental health or substance use concern, call or text 988 or visit to live chat.
Last updated: December 30, 2024
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I contact 988?
- Call 988
- Text 988
- Live chat at
- Walk-in locations throughout Colorado
Who can reach out to 988?
Anyone in Colorado can access free, confidential support for their mental and emotional health needs. 988 provides inclusive care to meet the unique needs of communities including youth, rural populations, BIPOC individuals, veterans, and people who are LGBTQIA2+.
When should someone reach out to 988?
People can call, text, or live chat at any time when they need support with a emotional, mental health or substance use concerns. If someone is experiencing grief, sadness, hopelessness, anxiety, depression, stress from a significant life change, thoughts of suicide, or day-to-day emotional distress, 988 is here for them.
What is the difference between 988 and Colorado Crisis Services?
988 is an additional resource that, along with Colorado Crisis Services, I Matter, and other services supports people with their mental health needs. 988 is available nationwide, while CCS is a statewide resource.
Where can I get 988 materials?
You can order free print materials or download digital materials here.
988 Data Dashboard
The dashboard provides members of the public with information about the use of crisis services within Colorado, with a focus on 988.
988 Crisis Hotline Enterprise Board of Directors
Senate Bill 21-154 established the 988 Crisis Hotline Enterprise in the Department to impose a 988 surcharge and a prepaid wireless 988 charge; fund the 988 crisis hotline; work with third parties to provide crisis outreach, stabilization, and acute care; authorize and issue revenue bonds payable from the newly created 988 Crisis Hotline Cash Fund; and adopt, amend, or repeal policies to regulate its affairs.
The enterprise is governed by a board of directors appointed by the Governor. Learn more about the 988 Crisis Hotline Enterprise Board of Directors.
988 Implementation Planning Committee Archives
Expand the sections below for archives of the Colorado 988 Implementation Planning Committee's meetings and work.
- Meetings
- Committee Members
Kelly Bowman Health Colorado, Inc. Daryl Branson Public Utilities Commission Sarah Brummet Office of Suicide Prevention, Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment Judy Campbell Professional with Lived Experience Krista Cavataio Rocky Mountain Health Plans Jennifer Conrad Signal Behavioral Health Network Lila Cummings Colorado Hospital Association Andrew Dameron Denver 911 Melissa Eddleman Colorado Department of Health Care Policy & Financing Kate Fitch Public Health Professional with Lived Experience Doyle Forrestal Colorado Behavioral Health Council Christine Harms Schools Safety Resource Center Hope Hyatt Colorado Mental Wellness Network Moe Keller Mental Health Colorado Abe Laydon Commissioner, Douglas County Elizabeth Richards Beacon Health Options Cheri Skelding Rocky Mountain Crisis Partners Scott Snow Denver Police Department Mandy Stollsteimer WestCO PSAP Ana Vizoso Servicios de La Raza Anthony Young Association of Black Psychologists - Work Groups
Promotion, Awareness and Education, and AccessibilityConsistency in public messaging is critical at the national and state/territory level regarding 988, its distinction from 911 and the range of services 988 provides. Colorado must lay out a framework for how 988 will be marketed within the state. Colorado should ensure messaging is consistent with national / federal messaging about the range of services 988 is intended to provide. Marketing should convey messages of help, hope and healing; should promote the voices of persons with lived experiences with mental illness and suicide, and should include specific strategies for reaching LGBTQ youth and other populations considered high risk for suicide. All messaging should adhere to all standards for Safe and Effective suicide prevention communication.
Funding & SustainabilityColorado must provide strategies for identifying and supporting funding streams which boost the financial stability of the call center(s) answering Lifeline calls. Colorado will decide how to actualize a strategy to sustainably fund the Lifeline member call center(s) answering 988 calls, texts and chats and follow-up services. Funding strategies may be diversified including, but not limited to:
- The potential to raise 988 related fees from telecommunication users (similar to how many states fund 911 calls)
- Medicaid reimbursements
- Mental health block grant funds
- Direct engagement with state legislative budget committees for 988 specific funding,
- Partnerships with stakeholder groups who may have the ability to contribute to 988 resources (e.g. United Way/211, private insurers, hospitals, philanthropic organizations)
Call Center and System Capacity and Integration Capacity building at the center answering 988 contacts must occur based on call, chat, text and follow-up volume growth projections. However, current call volume and capacity challenges must be addressed before 988 is nationally implemented on July 16, 2022. In partnership with the Lifeline, Colorado shall ensure that the Lifeline member center has the systems in place to maintain local resource and referral listings, as well as assure linkages to local community crisis services (including 911 PSAPs, mobile crisis teams and other outreach alternatives to law enforcement/EMS response). - Resources
Text - S.2661 National Suicide Hotline Designation Act of 2020
FCC Designates 988 for the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (July 16, 2020)
Press Release: Colorado begins planning for 988 suicide prevention number (March 17, 2021)
988 Geolocation Report — National Suicide Hotline Designation Act of 2020. Wireline Competition Bureau. (April 15, 2021)
CO Senate Bill 21-154 988 Suicide Prevention Lifeline Network (June 2021)
Press Release: CDHS Statement on 988 (October 22. 2021) Concerning new 10-digit dialing requirement for Colorado.
Colorado's 988 Crisis Hotline Enterprise Board of Directors
FCC Approves Text-to-988 Access to Suicide Prevention Lifeline (November 18, 2021)
Federal 988 Lifeline website and fact sheet (December 2021)