Behavioral Health Reform in Colorado: Putting People First
On April 8, 2019, Gov. Jared Polis directed the Colorado Department of Human Services to spearhead Colorado’s Behavioral Health Task Force. The mission of the task force was to evaluate and set the roadmap to improve the current behavioral health system in the state. In September 2020, the task force released its blueprint, as well as several other reports, that outline our vision for reform.
Today, we are focused on implementing the Task Force's recommendations.
This page features a selection of historical behavioral health reform information and resources from fall 2019 - spring 2022.
More Reform Activities
- Behavioral Health Task Force and Subcommittee Members Quarterly Meetings
Former Behavioral Health Task Force and Subcommittee Members hear quarterly updates on behavioral health reform.
December 9 Meeting Materials:- Proposal to Expand the Safety Net System
Per SB 19-222, CDHS worked with stakeholders to develop a comprehensive proposal to strengthen and expand the safety net system. This document outlines the key goals and steps required to close the gaps in the current delivery system and ensure that individuals with the most difficult-to-treat mental health disorders receive services. Read the executive summary and the full plan.
- Envisioning Care Coordination
The state partnered with Civic Consulting Collaborative to bring together about 70 everyday Coloradans from across the state who weighed in on the state’s care coordination vision. Participants belonged to nearly 10 cultural groups—including ethnic, age, disability and LGBTQIA+ identities—and either they or their loved ones have lived experience. These individuals are helping us stay focused on person-centered care. View their report here. Lee en español.
Senate Bill 21-137 provides the Colorado Department of Human Services, Office of Behavioral Health $26 million in funding to develop a statewide care coordination infrastructure that includes a website and mobile application to be a centralized gateway for patients and providers to access behavioral health services in Colorado.
Workgroup: OBH is convening a group of diverse partners to guide the development of the care coordination infrastructure. The workgroup has three subgroups focusing on policy, user design, and technology.- Improving Services for Coloradans with Co-Occurring Disabilities and Behavioral Health Conditions
A work group and steering committee identified actionable recommendations to improve access to behavioral health care for people with disabilities and co-occurring behavioral health conditions. View their report here.
- Addressing the Workforce Shortage
The Behavioral Health Workforce Development Workgroup identified these short-term and long-term solutions that will be integrated into the Blueprint comprehensive implementation plan.
News and Meeting Information
- Press releases and newsletters
Press Releases
- Meetings and meeting resources
Meeting Calendar
Behavioral Health Task Force and Subcommittee Members Quarterly Meetings
Former Behavioral Health Task Force and Subcommittee Members hear quarterly updates on behavioral health reform.
December 9 Meeting Materials:
Watch the December 9 meeting recording
View the December 9 meeting presentation slides
Meeting Resources
Care Coordination Workgroup
The Office of Behavioral Health convened a group of diverse partners to guide the development of the care coordination infrastructure. The workgroup has three subgroups focusing on policy, user design, and technology. Contact Camille Harding for questions.
- The Care Coordination Policy Working Group developed recommended policies to advance best practices for behavioral health care coordination in Colorado.
- The Care Coordination Technology Working Group made recommendations on the infrastructure and investments for the necessary technology to achieve the goals outlined for care coordination while leveraging existing state and local investments, and partnering with legal and privacy experts to ensure data interoperability that protects personal health information.
- The Care Coordination User Design Working Group made recommendations by vetting product demos as the technology vision is implemented to ensure goals are achieved and products meet the needs of clients, consumers, providers, state and local organizations; and reviewing wellness tools, health literacy content, and establishing strategies to ensure accessible and equitable tools and resources to support clients, families and consumers.
Meeting Resources
Kickoff Meeting Reading Materials
- Past meetings and meeting resources
Behavioral Health Workforce Development Workgroup
This workgroup was tasked with identifying both short-term and long-term solutions to address the workforce shortage. A culturally responsive and diverse behavioral health workforce is needed to deliver high-quality healthcare access to all Coloradans. Contact for Questions: Summer Gathercole
Medicaid Alignment Working Group
Medicaid Alignment Workgroup Discussions: March-April 2021
Via the Medicaid Alignment Workgroup, stakeholders heard the potential directions for the implementation of the Behavioral Health Blueprint for Reform recommendations.
➤ Medicaid 101: March 8 from 3:30-5 p.m. MST
Hear an overview of Medicaid, the nation’s public health insurance program for people with low income. You will learn about its federal-state partnership, how it has evolved in recent years, and how it is structured in other states. This session was facilitated by Health Management Associates (HMA), a national firm working with the State of Colorado to develop the plan to implement the Behavioral Health Administration.➤ Governance: March 16 from 1:30-3 p.m. MST
The Behavioral Health Administration (BHA), which is expected to be launched in July 2022, will lead and promote the State’s behavioral health priorities, ensure that behavioral health services respond to the changing needs of communities, monitor state and local data, and evaluate state efforts. Watch this discussion with CDHS, HCPF and DOI to hear an update on the BHA legislation, and the possible governance structures.- Read the agenda
- Review the presentation slides
- Watch the meeting recording
- Read the discussion summary
➤ Safety Net: April 5 from 12-1:30 p.m. MST
SB19-222 requires that HCPF and CDHS work together to develop a comprehensive proposal to strengthen and expand the safety net system that provides behavioral health services for individuals with severe behavioral health disorders. Watch this discussion to learn about the proposed model and share your feedback. Register here.
➤ Children & Youth: April 19 from 12-1:30 p.m. MST
The Behavioral Health Task Force embraced the need for Colorado’s behavioral health system to distinctly meet the needs of children and youth. Young people have different needs than adults and are offered developmentally appropriate remedies and culturally competent services that an adult system cannot offer. Watch this discussion on how their needs can be met. Register here.Co-Occurring Disabilities and Behavioral Health Working Group
Utilizing the Behavioral Health Task Force six pillars and 19 recommendations and the considerations posed by the CDBH participants, this workgroup identified actionable recommendations to improve access to behavioral health care for people with disabilities and co-occurring behavioral health conditions, to include marginalized communities.
Meeting Resources
Co-Occurring Disabilities and Behavioral Health Steering Committee
Utilizing the Behavioral Health Task Force six pillars and 19 recommendations and the considerations posed by the CDBH participants, the Steering Committee identified actionable recommendations to improve access to behavioral health care for people with disabilities and co-occurring behavioral health conditions, to include marginalized communities.
Meeting Resources
BHA Bill Stakeholder Meetings
2022 Colorado House Bill 22-1278
The State held stakeholder meetings on the contents of HB 22-1278 which authorizes key functions and roles of the Behavioral Health Administration. See below for links to the presentation and recordings:CDHS also held three stakeholder meetings to inform the bill in January 2022. Watch our recordings below.
2021 On February 16, 2021, Colorado Representatives Mary Young and Rod Pelton introduced House Bill 21-1097 to support the analysis and planning that needs to be completed to establish the BHA. Senators Rhonda Fields and Bob Gardner also sponsored the bill.
CDHS held two stakeholder meetings on the bill. Review the meeting slides and watch our recordings, which include ASL interpretation:
Governor Polis signed HB 21-1097 on April 22, 2021. Read more.
Blueprint and Implementation Webinar and Meeting Recordings
- Prevention Stakeholder Meeting | March 24, 2021
- Watch the recording
- Review the presentation
- Read the discussion guide
- Behavioral Health Reform Update to BHTF Executive Committee | Dec. 16, 2020 | Watch the recording
- Implementation Stakeholder Meeting - Counties | Dec. 15, 2020 | Watch the recording
- Implementation Stakeholder Meeting - Providers | Dec. 14, 2020 | Watch the recording
- State Agency Blueprint Townhall | Oct. 26, 2020 | Watch the recording
- BHTF Blueprint Townhall | Oct. 7, 2020 | Watch the recording
- Prevention Stakeholder Meeting | March 24, 2021
Learn more
- About the BHTF
BHTF committees
The task force was comprised of 25 members. There were also three subcommittees with 25 members each. Those subcommittees were:
- State Safety Net: This subcommittee shall offer a roadmap to ensure that every Coloradan, regardless of acuity level, ability to pay, or co-occurring disabilities, can obtain appropriate behavioral health services in their community.
- Children's Behavioral Health: This subcommittee should develop a plan to address how we deliver and manage children’s behavioral health and improve outcomes.
- Long-Term Competency: Consistent with a recent consent decree entered into by the Colorado Department of Human Services, this subcommittee should develop a comprehensive plan for individuals in the criminal justice system who have been found incompetent to proceed and future solutions to increase community interventions as a means to reduce demand on forensic solutions to mental health.
- COVID-19 Special Assignment Committee: In May of 2020, Governor Polis directed the Behavioral Health Task Force to create a new Covid-19 Special Assignment Committee, co-chaired by the Colorado Department of Human Services and the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment. The goal of this special assignment committee is to:
- Create an interim report that highlights the short- and long-term impacts of COVID-19 on the behavioral health system, including access to behavioral health services, especially for vulnerable and underserved populations.
- Evaluate the behavioral health crisis response in Colorado to COVID-19 and provide recommendations for the Behavioral Health Task Force's blueprint on improvements of behavioral health services for response during any potential future crisis.
BHTF members
- Executive Committee and Main Task Force
Executive Committee
Director Michelle Barnes, Colorado Department of Human Services
Lt. Governor Dianne Primavera
Deputy Manager Barbara Drake, Douglas County
Director Jill Hunsaker Ryan, Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment
Director Kim Bimestefer, Colorado Department of Health Care Policy and Financing
Commissioner Michael Conway, Division of InsuranceMain Task Force
Vincent Atchity, Mental Health Colorado
DenverDaniel Darting, Signal Behavioral Health Network
Greenwood VillageRaul De Villegas-Decker, RDV Executive Consulting
Grand JunctionJill Derrieux, Mesa Youth Services, Inc. dba Mesa County Partners
Grand JunctionRebecca Ela, Delta County Memorial Hospital
HotchkissC. Neill Epperson, University of Colorado School of Medicine
AuroraMichael Fields, Colorado Rising Action
ParkerRana Gonzales, WINS
Manitou SpringsDeidre Johnson, Center for African American Health
DenverTracy Kraft-Tharp, General Assembly
DenverLois Landgraf, General Assembly
DenverJennifer Lynn Fanning, Grand County Rural Health Network
Hot Sulphur SpringsGlenn Most, SCL Health
Wheat RidgeCory Notestine, Colorado Springs School District 1
Colorado SpringsPatricia Oliver, Oliver Behavioral Consultants
BroomfieldByron Pelton, Commissioner Logan County
SterlingValerie Schlecht, Colorado Cross-Disability Coalition
DenverMeg Taylor, Rocky Mountain Health Plans
Greenwood VillageLaura Teachout, NAMI Colorado Springs Board Member
Colorado SpringsBrian Turner, Solvista Health
Canon CitySelwyn Whiteskunk, Ute Mountain Tribe
TowaocEx-officio members:
Kate Greenberg, Colorado Department of Agriculture
Brey Hopkins, Colorado Department of Military and Veterans Affairs
Nancy Ingalls, Douglas County Schools (for CDE)
Debbie Oldenettel, Colorado Department of Public Safety
Patty Salazar, Colorado Department of Regulatory Agencies
Dean Williams, Colorado Department of Corrections- State Safety Net Subcommittee
Aubrey Boggs
DenverFrank Cornelia, Colorado Behavioral Healthcare Council
DenverKevin Duffy, Douglas County Sheriff’s Office
Castle RockMelissa Eddleman, Colorado Department of Health Care Policy & Financing
DenverMarilyn Fausset
BoulderAlison George, Colorado Department of Local Affairs
DenverKimberly Gonzales, Las Animas Huerfano Counties District Health Department
TrinidadJoy Hart, Colorado Department of Corrections
DenverNancy Jackson, Arapahoe County
LittletonCarl LoFaro
AuroraMeighen Lovelace
AvonTom Manzione, Attention Homes
BoulderMike Nugent, Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment
DenverJohn Pickett III, Larimer County Human Services
LovelandAisha Rousseau, Denver Office of Disability Rights
DenverDeb Ruttenberg, Grand County Department of Human Services
Hot Sulphur SpringsJessica Schart, Kit Carson County Department of Public Health and Environment
BurlingtonRichard Simms, Richard S Simms PC
LittletonLauren Snyder, Mental Health Colorado
DenverSarah Vaine, Summit County Government
BreckenridgeEva Veitch, Region 10 LEAP
MontroseTraci Walker, Aurora Municipal Courts
AuroraRobert Werthwein, Colorado Department of Human Services
DenverEx-officio members:
Kristina Daniel, Valley-Wide Health Systems, Inc.
AlamosaRickey Gray, Cedar Springs Hospital
Colorado SpringsKiara Kuenzler, Jefferson Center for Mental Health
Wheat Ridge- Children's Behavioral Health Subcommittee
Morgan Bruss, Harrison School District 2
Colorado SpringsMegan Burch, Eagle County Department of Human Services
EagleSarah Davidon
DenverSamantha Field, Mental Health Professional
DenverMartha Fraley, Pediatric Partners of the Southwest
DurangoBrook Griese, Judi’s House/JAG Institute
DenverJennifer Grote, Denver Health
DenverCamille Harding, Colorado Department of Human Services
DenverRebecca Hea, Denver Children’s Home
DenverMelissa Janiszewski, Office of Children’s Affairs
DenverDawn Khederian, The Vanguard School
Colorado SpringsJohn Laukkanen, Colorado Department of Health Care Policy & Financing
DenverCarol Meredith, The Arc Arapahoe & Douglas
CentennialDafna Michaelson Jenet, General Assembly
DenverAaron Miltenberger, Boys & Girls Clubs of the San Luis Valley
AlamosaLindsey Myers, Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment
DenverLeslie Patterson
Colorado SpringsJessica Peck, Jessica K. Peck, Attorney at Law
DenverLindsay Reeves, Catholic Charities Diocese of Pueblo
PuebloLenya Robinson, Jefferson Center for Mental Health
Wheat RidgeShannon Secrest
AuroraShannon Van Deman, Children’s Hospital Colorado
AuroraStephanie Villafuerte, Office of Colorado’s Child Protection Ombudsman
DenverKathryn Wells, Kempe Center for the Prevention and Treatment of Child Abuse and Neglect
AuroraLisa Zimprich, Fountain-Fort Carson School District 8
FountainEx-officio member:
Jamie Murrary, Cañon City School District
Canon City- Long-Term Competency Subcommittee
Lacey Anne Berumen, TRACKtech LLC
Greenwood VillageAlison Butler, Disability Law Colorado
DenverSu Coffey, Hollywood Showcase Denver
DenverAlexis Giese, Colorado Access
AuroraBrian Gonzales, University of Denver Graduate School of Social Work
DenverRavid Moshe “Moses” Gur, Colorado Behavioral Healthcare Council
DenverBen Harris, Colorado Department of Health Care Policy & Finance
DenverJoy Hart, Colorado Department of Corrections
DenverDaric Harvey, Cañon City Police
Cañon CityPeggy Heil, Colorado Department of Public Safety
DenverTim Lane, Colorado District Attorney's Council
DenverRichard Martinez, University of Colorado School of Medicine
DenverLucienne Ohanian, Colorado State Public Defender
DenverBrenda Pace, Pueblo County Attorney’s Office
PuebloSasha Rai, Denver Health
DenverCordelia Rosenberg, University of Colorado
AuroraJessica Russell, Health Solutions
PuebloCarleigh Sailon, Mental Health Center of Denver
DenverJonathan Shamis, State of Colorado Judge
LeadvilleRana Shaner
OlatheJuan Silva, Denver District Attorney’s Office
DenverCali Thole, SummitStone Health Partners
Fort CollinsMary Thomas
LongmontRobert Werthwein, Colorado Department of Human Services
Denver- COVID-19 Special Assignment Committee
Yadira Caraveo, State House of Representatives
Cara Cheevers, Colorado Division of Insurance
Lila Cummings, Colorado Hospital Association
Curt Drennen, Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, co-chair
Daniel Darting, Signal Behavioral Health Network
Doyle Forrestel, Colorado Behavioral Healthcare Council
Camille Harding, Colorado Department of Human Services
Joy Hart, Colorado Department of Corrections
Brenda Heimbach, El Paso County Public Health Office
DeAnne House, Ute Mountain Ute
Cheri Jahn, Colorado Provider Association
Jan James, Larimer County Human Services
Tracy Johnson, Colorado Department of Health Care Policy and Financing
Kim Nordstrom, Colorado Access
Carrie Paykoc, Office of eHealth Innovation
Rod Pelton, State House of Representatives
Dianne Primavera, Lt. Governor
Susie Walton, Park County Human Services
Robert Werthwein, Colorado Department of Human Services, co-chair
Leon Wittner, Consumer/Parent
Anthony Young, Association of Black Psychologists
Public testimonies
The Behavioral Health Task Force heard from the public about their journey within the behavioral health system, the challenges that are still being worked through, suggestions to make the behavioral health system work for all Coloradans, the groups where support has been found, and the resources that helped find success.
View or listen to public testimonies
These videos are used to inform the Behavioral Health Task Force about personal journeys and experiences through the behavioral health system in Colorado. The views, thoughts and opinions expressed by the individuals appearing in the videos belong solely to those individuals. They do not necessarily reflect the policy or position of the Colorado Department of Human Services. The inclusion of these videos on this website does not constitute any endorsement by CDHS of the views expressed therein.
By topic:
Substance use disorders video | audio
Long-term competency video | audio
Children's behavioral health video | audio
General behavioral health video | audio
Provider testimonies video | audio
By location/date:
Breckenridge 9.27.19 video | audio
Colorado Springs 2.26.20 video | audio
Denver 12.5.19 video | audio
Douglas County 8.28.19 video | audio
Eagle County 1.31.20 video | audio
Grand Junction 10.22.19 video | audio
Westminster 9.27.19 video | audio
Meeting resources
Click below to expand the meeting resources for the Task Force and subcommittees.
- Main Task Force
Meeting resources for all past meetings can be accessed here.
August 27, 2020 meeting
- Minutes
- Presentation (slideshow)
- Recording (slideshow w/ audio)
- Additional Resources
August 14, 2020 meeting
- Minutes
- Presentation (slideshow)
- Recording (slideshow w/ audio)
- Additional Resources
July 30, 2020 meeting
- Minutes
- Presentation (slideshow)
- Recording (slideshow w/ audio)
- Additional Resources
July 7, 2020 meeting
- Minutes
- Presentation (slideshow)
- Recording (slideshow w/ audio)
- Additional Resources
June 26, 2020 meeting
- Minutes
- Presentation (slideshow)
- Recording (slideshow w/ audio)
- Additional Resources
June 9, 2020 meeting
- Minutes
- Presentation (slideshow)
- Recording (slideshow w/ audio)
- Additional Resources
June 5, 2020 meeting
- Minutes
- Presentation (slideshow)
- Recording (slideshow w/ audio)
- Additional Resources
May 12, 2020 meeting
- Minutes
- Presentation (slideshow)
- Recording (slideshow w/ audio)
- Additional Resources
March 13, 2020 meeting
- Minutes
- Presentation (slideshow)
- Recording (slideshow w/ audio)
- Additional Resources
February 13, 2020 meeting
- Minutes
- Presentation (slideshow)
- Recording (slideshow w/ audio)
- Additional Resources
January 24, 2020 meeting
- Minutes
- Presentation (slideshow)
- Recording (slideshow w/ audio)
- Additional Resources
January 15, 2020 meeting
- Minutes
- Presentation (slideshow)
- Recording (slideshow w/ audio)
- Additional Resources
December 11, 2019 meeting
- Minutes
- Presentation (slideshow)
- Recording (slideshow w/ audio)
- Additional Resources
November 12, 2019 meeting
- Minutes
- Presentation (slideshow)
- Recording (slideshow w/ audio)
- Additional resources
October 2, 2019 meeting
- Minutes
- Presentation (slideshow)
- Recording (slideshow w/ audio)
- Additional Resources
September 12, 2019 meeting
- Minutes
- Presentation (slideshow)
- Recording (slideshow w/ audio)
- Additional Resources
August 7, 2019 meeting
- Minutes
- Presentation (slideshow)
- Recording (slideshow w/ audio)
- Additional Resources
July 1, 2019 meeting
- Minutes
- Presentation (slideshow)
- Recording (slideshow w/ audio)
- Additional Resources
- State Safety Net Subcommittee
Meeting resources for all past meetings can be accessed here.
June 18, 2020 meeting
- Minutes
- Presentation (slideshow)
- Recording (slideshow w/ audio)
- Additional Resources
June 4, 2020 meeting
- Minutes
- Presentation (slideshow)
- Recording (slideshow w/ audio)
- Additional Resources
May 21, 2020 meeting
- Minutes
- Presentation (slideshow)
- Recording (slideshow w/ audio)
- Additional Resources
May 7, 2020 meeting
- Minutes
- Presentation (slideshow)
- Recording (slideshow w/ audio)
- Additional Resources
March 5, 2020 meeting
- Minutes
- Presentation (slideshow)
- Recording (slideshow w/ audio)
- Additional Resources
February 6, 2020 meeting
- Minutes
- Presentation (slideshow)
- Recording (slideshow w/ audio)
- Additional Resources
January 16, 2020 meeting
- Minutes
- Presentation (slideshow)
- Recording (slideshow w/ audio)
- Additional Resources
December 19, 2019 meeting
- Minutes
- Presentation (slideshow)
- Recording (slideshow w/ audio)
- Additional Resources
November 7, 2019 meeting
- Minutes
- Presentation (slideshow)
- Recording (slideshow w/ audio)
- Additional Resources
October 17, 2019 meeting
- Minutes
- Presentation (slideshow)
- Recording (slideshow w/ audio)
- Additional Resources
October 3, 2019 meeting
- Minutes
- Presentation (slideshow)
- Recording (slideshow with audio)
- Additional Resources
September 19, 2019 meeting
- Minutes
- Presentation (slideshow)
- Recording (slideshow with audio)
- Additional Resources
September 5, 2019 meeting
- Minutes
- Presentation (slideshow)
- Recording (slideshow with audio)
- Additional Resources
August 15, 2019 meeting
- Minutes
- Presentation (slideshow)
- Recording (slideshow with audio)
- Additional Resources
July 18, 2019 meeting
- Minutes
- Presentation (slideshow)
- Recording (slideshow with audio)
- Additional Resources
- Children's Behavioral Health Subcommittee
Meeting resources for all past meetings can be accessed here.
June 25, 2020 meeting
- Minutes
- Presentation (slideshow)
- Recording (slideshow w/ audio)
- Additional Resources
June 11, 2020 meeting
- Minutes
- Presentation (slideshow)
- Recording (slideshow w/ audio)
- Additional Resources
May 28, 2020 meeting
- Minutes
- Presentation (slideshow)
- Recording (slideshow w/ audio)
- Additional Resources
May 14, 2020 meeting
- Minutes
- Presentation (slideshow)
- Recording (slideshow w/ audio)
- Additional Resources
April 23, 2020 meeting
- Minutes
- Presentation (slideshow)
- Recording (slideshow w/ audio)
- Additional Resources
March 12, 2020 meeting
- Minutes
- Presentation (slideshow)
- Recording (slideshow w/ audio)
- Additional Resources
February 27, 2020 meeting
- Minutes
- Presentation (slideshow)
- Recording (slideshow w/ audio)
- Additional Resources
February 13, 2020 meeting
- Minutes
- Presentation (slideshow)
- Recording (slideshow w/ audio)
- Additional Resources
January 23, 2020 meeting
- Minutes
- Presentation (slideshow)
- Recording (slideshow w/ audio)
- Additional Resources
January 9, 2020 meeting
- Minutes
- Presentation (slideshow)
- Recording (slideshow w/ audio)
- Additional Resources
December 12, 2019 meeting
- Minutes
- Presentation (slideshow)
- Recording (slideshow w/ audio)
- Additional Resources
November 14, 2019 meeting
- Minutes
- Presentation (slideshow)
- Recording (slideshow with audio)
- Additional Resources
Children's Legislation Webinar
- Presentation (slideshow)
- Recording (slideshow with audio)
October 24, 2019 meeting
- Minutes
- Presentation (slideshow)
- Recording (slideshow with audio)
- Additional Resources
October 10, 2019 meeting
- Minutes
- Presentation (slideshow)
- Recording (slideshow with audio)
- Additional Resources
September 12, 2019 meeting
- Minutes
- Presentation (slideshow)
- Recording (slideshow with audio)
- Additional Resources
August 23, 2019 meeting
- Minutes
- Presentation (slideshow)
- Recording (slideshow w/ audio)
- Additional Resources
August 9, 2019 meeting
- Minutes
- Presentation (slideshow)
- Recording (slideshow w/ audio)
- Additional Resources
- Long-Term Competency Subcommittee
Meeting resources for all past meetings can be accessed here.
June 22, 2020 meeting
- Minutes
- Presentation (slideshow)
- Recording (slideshow w/ audio)
- Additional Resources
June 8, 2020 meeting
- Minutes
- Presentation (slideshow)
- Recording (slideshow w/ audio)
- Additional Resources
May 27, 2020 meeting
- Minutes
- Presentation (slideshow)
- Recording (slideshow w/ audio)
- Additional Resources
May 11, 2020 meeting
- Minutes
- Presentation (slideshow)
- Recording (slideshow w/ audio)
- Additional Resources
April 27, 2020 meeting
- Minutes
- Presentation (slideshow)
- Recording (slideshow w/ audio)
- Additional Resources
March 9, 2020 meeting
- Minutes
- Presentation (slideshow)
- Recording (slideshow w/ audio)
- Additional Resources
February 24, 2020 meeting
- Minutes
- Presentation (slideshow)
- Recording (slideshow w/ audio)
- Additional Resources
February 10, 2020 meeting
- Minutes
- Presentation (slideshow)
- Recording (slideshow w/ audio)
- Additional Resources
February 7, 2020 Legislation Discussion Call
January 27, 2020 meeting
- Minutes
- Presentation (slideshow)
- Recording (slideshow w/ audio)
- Additional Resources
January 13, 2020 meeting
- Minutes
- Presentation (slideshow)
- Recording (slideshow w/ audio)
- Additional Resources
January 10, 2020 Legislation Discussion Call
December 16, 2019 Legislation Discussion Call
December 9, 2019 meeting
- Minutes
- Presentation (slideshow)
- Recording (slideshow with audio)
- Additional Resources
November 18, 2019 meeting
- Minutes
- Presentation (slideshow)
- Recording (slideshow with audio)
- Additional Resources
November 7, 2019 Legislation Discussion
October 28, 2019 meeting
- Minutes
- Presentation (slideshow)
- Recording (slideshow with audio)
- Additional Resources
October 9, 2019 meeting
- Minutes
- Presentation (slideshow)
- Recording (slideshow with audio)
- Additional Resources
October 8, 2019 meeting
- Minutes
- Presentation (slideshow)
- Recording (slideshow with audio)
- Additional Resources
September 23, 2019 meeting
- Minutes
- Presentation (slideshow)
- Recording (slideshow with audio)
- Additional Resources
September 6, 2019 meeting
- Minutes
- Presentation (slideshow)
- Recording (slideshow with audio)
- Additional Resources
August 29, 2019 meeting
- Minutes
- Presentation (slideshow)
- Recording (slideshow with audio)
- Additional Resources
August 12, 2019 meeting
- Minutes
- Presentation (slideshow)
- Recording (slideshow with audio)
- Additional Resources
July 22, 2019 meeting
- Minutes
- Presentation (slideshow)
- Recording (slideshow with audio)
- Additional Resources
July 10, 2019 meeting
- Minutes
- Presentation (slideshow)
- Recording (slideshow with audio)
- Additional Resources
- COVID-19 Special Assignment Committee
Meeting resources for all past meetings can be accessed here.
- The Value Proposition of Telehealth in Colorado (report)
- The Telehealth Value Proposition (presentation)
- HHS Rural Action Plan
- Federal Health IT Strategic Plan
September 17, 2020 meeting
- Minutes
- Presentation (slideshow)
- Recording (slideshow w/ audio)
- Additional Resources
September 14, 2020 meeting
- Minutes
- Presentation (slideshow)
- Recording (slideshow w/ audio)
- Additional Resources
September 1, 2020 meeting
- Minutes
- Presentation (slideshow)
- Recording (slideshow w/ audio)
- Additional Resources
August 4, 2020 meeting
- Minutes
- Presentation (slideshow)
- Recording (slideshow w/ audio)
- Additional Resources
COVID-19 Analyses
July 22, 2020 meeting
- Minutes
- Presentation (slideshow)
- Recording (slideshow w/ audio)
- Additional Resources
July 6, 2020 meeting
- Minutes
- Presentation (slideshow)
- Recording (slideshow w/ audio)
- Additional Resources
June 24, 2020 meeting
- Minutes
- Presentation (slideshow)
- Recording (slideshow w/ audio)
- Additional Resources
June 10, 2020 meeting
- Minutes
- Presentation (slideshow)
- Recording (slideshow w/ audio)
- Additional Resources
May 27, 2020 meeting
- Minutes
- Presentation (slideshow)
- Recording (slideshow w/ audio)
- Additional Resources
May 13, 2020 meeting
- Minutes
- Presentation (slideshow)
- Recording (slideshow w/ audio)
- Additional Resources
- Recorded webinars
- Subcommittee Reports Presentation. The Farley Health Policy Center presents the Subcommittee Report and recommendations from State Safety Net, Children's Behavioral Health and Long Term Competency subcommittees.
- Division of Insurance Town Hall. Representatives from the Colorado Department of Regulatory Agencies, Division of Insurance hosted a webinar with task force members to talk about their role in behavioral health reform in Colorado.
- Medicaid and the Blueprint. HCPF hosted a webinar for the task force to answer their questions regarding recommendations on how HCPF can improve behavioral health services, administration and oversight in partnership with other state agencies and in anticipation of the Blueprint.
- Behavioral Health Needs Assessment. Health Management Associates presented their preliminary findings to the Safety Net Subcommittee.
- Qualitative Analysis Webinar. The Colorado Office of Behavioral Health completed a qualitative analysis of the 34 public testimonies given before the Behavioral Health Task Force relating to children and youth. They presented their findings to the Children's Behavioral Health Subcommittee.
- Guidelines for sensible, evidence-based mental health care. Dr. Robert Drake serves as the Vice President for Behavioral Health and Health Policy at Westat. In this webinar he discussed best practices in areas ranging from rural mental health to intensive treatment and more.
- Provider Meeting. On May 6, 2020, the Behavioral Health Task Force provided an update on the work of the task force and solicited input on the proposed model.
- Colorado Courts and Competency. Judge Shamis shared lessons from the Los Angeles Mental Health Courts and the Colorado Juvenile Assessment Center shares how their model fits in with the Long Term Competency Subcommittee's work.
- CCI Webinar. On March 3, 2020, the Behavioral Health Task Force hosted a call with Colorado Counties to update them on the work of the BHTF as well as the initial recommendations and proposed model.
- BHTF Partner Meeting. The BHTF gathered partners and organizations that are focused on making improvements within our behavioral health system in order to not duplicate efforts and identify how other work is aligned with the BHTF. This webinar includes updates on the initial recommendations of the BHTF and the proposed model.
- Parity Webinar. This was an optional webinar to provide an update on parity in Colorado
- Families First Webinar. This was an optional webinar for the Children's Behavioral Health Subcommittee to learn about the Families First Prevention Services Act (FFPSA).
- Population In Need Study. Health Management Associates has completed some initial work for the Population In Need (PIN) Study that it is conducting for the Office of Behavioral Health within CDHS. The first report has been completed: Developing an approach to confirm and identify new and emerging areas of need. Join this webinar to hear what HMA has done so far, what they plan to do in the future, and key stakeholders.
- State Health IT Roadmap. Learn about Colorado's Health IT Roadmap, which provides a framework guiding efforts and accelerating technology-driven health care transformations. This could spark our thinking on how we can better leverage technology in offering a Behavioral Health System that works for everyone.
- Colorado Counties' Behavioral Health. Behavioral health conditions are felt most powerfully at the local level. These Colorado counties have taken behavioral healthcare into their own hands, and are here to share their success stories and lessons they've learned.
- WICHE Funding Study. The Safety Net Subcommittee discussed the 2016 report on the behavioral health funding in Colorado.
- Community conversations
Summary Reports
- Newsletters
Past Newsletters
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