About BHA Funding Opportunities
When available, Behavioral Health Administration (BHA) posts official announcements regarding grant awards, grant closures, and/or further information regarding these specific grant opportunities on the VSS Colorado website. You can also find information about the status of these solicitations and their numbers, on the tables provided below. BHA encourages those interested in grants or solicitations to check the solicitation statuses on the VSS Colorado website for the most up-to-date information. Instructions on how to send in a proposal, or apply, will also be included on VSS.
How to locate solicitations on VSS:
Visit the VSS Colorado website
You do not need to create an account
Click "View Published Solicitations” on the right side of the page that opens a search box in the middle of the page
Use “Keyword Search”: box to enter "Behavioral Health" to see all BHA solicitations, or just enter the solicitation number (can be found in the table below) *12345*
Click on “Solicitation Number/Type/Category” (the Solicitation number) to explore for more information.
For training purposes, please visit the VSS help videos. This is also located on the VSS main page.
For portal help, email VSSHelp@state.co.us. The Colorado VSS Help Desk is available Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. (MST).
How to do Business with the State of Colorado
Behavioral Health Administration is committed to working with the States diverse and inclusive community to make the services we provide stronger and more reliable.
The following link contains information and first steps for organizations interested in working with the State: https://osc.colorado.gov/spco/accesscolorado
Tips for Vendors
To do business with BHA and the State of Colorado you must:
- Be registered with the State of Colorado Secretary of State.
- Be registered and in good standing with SAM.gov, the federal government's database for contract opportunities.
- Thoroughly read the solicitation and follow all instructions.
Open Solicitations and Grants
Name of Grant/ Solicitation Number | Legislation | Summary of Services | Posting Dates |
Mental Health Safety Net Funding in the BHASO System |
| BHA is requesting information from Comprehensive Behavioral Health Providers and Essential Safety Net Providers on the costs and funding needs associated with the provision of services for individuals with mental health needs and closing gaps in the mental health continuum of care. Information gathered through this RFI will inform network development by the BHASOs. | January 31, 2025 - February 21, 2025 |
Upcoming Solicitations and Grants
BHA encourages everyone to check VSS Colorado website regularly for the following solicitations.
Solicitation Name | Legislation | Summary of Services | Posting Date |
None available |
Recently Closed Solicitations and Grants
BHA has been excited to see the outpouring of interest and number of applications for these grant programs. BHA is eager to partner with the proposed awardees and implement innovative programs that will greatly enhance Colorado's behavioral health system. The immense amount of effort that the community has put toward these grant applications is greatly appreciated.
BHA is not accepting any further applications into these grant programs at this time.
After vendors receive their Notice of Award, BHA procurement and contracting team reaches out for next steps in contract execution. All the awarded applicants are invited to a kick-off meeting where the next steps are being explained and further BHA team introductions are made. Once an agreement is executed, work can begin. An agreement is considered to be executed when all parties, including the State Controller, sign it.
Solicitation Number/Name | Legislation | Summary of Services | Notice of Intent to Award (NOI) Link |
FY26 Co-Responder Expansion | Long-Bill | BHA seeks to continue and expand the Co-Responder program to foster law enforcement and behavioral health partnerships, and which identify calls for service wherein behavioral health (mental health and/or substance use disorders) appear to be a relevant factor. | In Evaluation |
COACT 4.0 | BHA is looking for a vendor who provides communication and community engagement technical assistance to High-Fidelity Wraparound (COACT Colorado) program stakeholders; focusing on state-supported HFW services and providers, referral sources, and mental health care providers | ||
Urban-focused Health Agency for American Indian & Alaskan Native Populations | SAMHSA | The purpose of this grant’s subaward is to provide substance use services to the American Indian and Alaska Native population in the greater Denver area in accordance with the Colorado State Opioid Response Grant requirements. SAMHSA recognizes that American Indian and Alaskan Natives persons are at risk of opioid and stimulant use disorders, and due to historical marginalization have not had access to treatment services. | |
COACT 4.0 | BHA is looking for a vendor who provides youth peer support technical assistance for the COACT with a youth peer support infrastructure technical assistance to the BHA on this topic and related youth voice and engagement development. | ||
Community Investment Grant Capital Project : RFA IBEH 2025000037 | In 2024, the statute was amended to expand the allowable uses of Community Investment Grants to include funding for a new capital construction project that has progressed through the design review process, has obtained approval for applicable development and building permits, provides access to multiple critical services in one central location within the community served, is easily accessible by first responders and community members, and demonstrates strong community support. | ||
School Mental Health Support Program | Call for Proposals: Statewide Mental Health Initiative Support for Colorado public schools, aiming to build resilient communities and support youth mental well-being. Focus Areas:
Action: This is an opportunity for organizations to impact Colorado's youth positively. Let's work together to foster a nurturing environment for students and educators. | ||
Children and Youth Mental Health Treatment Act (CYMHTA) - Medicaid Reviews and State Level - Appeals |
| BHA is inviting proposals from experienced professionals to conduct timely third-party clinical assessments for the CYMHTA program, as requested by families or responsible persons. BHA anticipates multiple awards for these services. | Pending |
COACT 4.0 | BHA is looking for a vendor who provides technical assistance to support the implementation of the National Standards for Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services (CLAS) and Language Access for the COACT. | ||
Behavioral Health Administrative Services Organizations - RFP IBEH 2024000335 | Behavioral Health Administrative Services Organizations (“BHASOs”) are regionally-informed administrative organizations with which BHA contracts to establish, administer, and maintain adequate networks of Behavioral Health Safety Net Services and Care Coordination. (C.R.S. § 27-50-401(1)). For more information see the “Behavioral Health Administrative Services Organizations (BHASOs)” Drop-down tab on https://bha.colorado.gov/our-partners | ||
RFP IBEH 2024000239 Children and Youth Mental Health Treatment Act (CYMHTA) - Medicaid Reviews and State Level Appeals | 2 CCR 502-1 | This solicitation is to re-procure multiple independent third-party organizations or persons to provide state-level appeals support for any child or youth where mental health services are being increased, decreased, terminated, or denied by the mental health agency covered under CYMHTA. | |
RFP IBEH 2024000199 Crisis 988 Suicide Prevention Lifeline Network Act | C.R.S. 27-65-103; C.R.S. 27-64-103 | This solicitation seeks a vendor to operate a statewide call center for Colorado Crisis Services and the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline that will receive and respond to Crisis and 988 phone calls, texts and chats. | |
RFP IBEH 2024000190 Sixth Through Twelfth Grade Mental Health Screening Act | BHA seeks a screener (that can be a data vendor as well) to conduct mental health screenings in any public school that serves any of grades sixth through twelfth. | ||
DQ1 IBEH 2024000316 Leadership Development |
| A vendor that provides leadership teams training services for rapid changes and adjustments | |
RFP IBEH 2024000099 Behavioral Health Workforce Peer Support Professionals | BHA will soon announce the Notice of Intent to Award to distribute approximately $5 million in grants to grow and support the Peer Support Workforce. BHA is implementing a Peer Support Professionals Grant to address the need to increase the number of peers in the state through certification, training, and career advancement opportunities. This opportunity will serve to expand the Peer Support workforce and grow professional and/or career opportunities for Colorado Peer Support Professionals. |
Resources for Prospective Vendors
Behavioral Health Administration, in partnership with Colorado Health Institute, developed a Community Behavioral Health Services Assessment Toolkit. The purpose is to equip local leaders with information and approaches to deepen their understanding of community strengths, needs, and gaps and strengthen their investments in meaningful and equitable behavioral health solutions.
The toolkit shows the types of data and approaches that are expected from anyone applying for a grant program. You can also use an existing county, regional, or community assessment if it identifies gaps in behavioral health services for the relevant geographic area.
The community assessment toolkit is available now, and we encourage applicants to begin reading and using the toolkit prior to the release of the RFAs. Technical assistance is available to those eligible with the assessment toolkit through BHA. Services will be prioritized based on applicant needs and resources.