Community Reinforcement and Family Training (CRAFT)


What is CRAFT?


Community Reinforcement and Family Training (CRAFT) is a free resource that supports the family members and friends of people struggling with addiction, also known as a substance use disorder.

CRAFT brings together friends and family members once per week for 10-12 weeks and a trained CRAFT professional guides you through strategies you can use to have more positive interactions with the person in your life who is struggling with a substance use disorder. You’ll get to meet other friends and family members in similar situations to talk through what is and isn’t working as you navigate your relationship with your loved one who is struggling, and get guided support from the CRAFT professionals.

Research has shown that seven out of ten family members who participate in the CRAFT program are successful in engaging their loved one into a treatment program. 

CRAFT can help you:

  1. Reduce harmful substance use within the family.
  2. Encourage the person struggling with a substance use disorder to find and start treatment. If they're already in treatment, you can learn how to encourage them to stay engaged in their treatment program.
  3. Improve your own life through learning positive communication strategies and how to set healthy boundaries.

Read about other people’s experiences with CRAFT.

CRAFT Frequently Asked Questions


Yes, CRAFT is offered for those who prefer Spanish. Find a CRAFT group that you prefer.

No, CRAFT is for family members and friends of people struggling with substance use disorder, so your loved one struggling with substance use does not need to attend.

Recovery from addiction is in reach for anyone. Find care that's meaningful for you or your loved one by visiting OwnPath.co. OwnPath is a service for all people in Colorado to find licensed behavioral health providers, search for specific services, or use a guided search to identify providers or resources that best meet your needs

CRAFT and Al-Anon have a similar focus on self care and enrichment for their participants. CRAFT and Al-Anon differ in their approaches with their loved one who is struggling with addiction. CRAFT teaches positive communications skills to foster the connection that is desired by the person who is struggling with addiction and their loved one. CRAFT teaches real life skills to use connection to encourage positive change, because CRAFT is rooted in the belief that connection is the opposite of addiction.


Yes! Many families and friends can benefit from CRAFT by learning positive communication skills and problem solving to support their loved one who is in recovery.

Research has shown that 7 out of 10 participants are successful at getting their loved ones struggling with addiction one to treatment. Research has also shown that CRAFT participants reported lower levels of anger, anxiety, and depression after joining the program, independent of whether or not their loved one gets help.

Yes. Families and friends have found CRAFT to be helpful from teenagers to older adults (adult children, aging parents, etc.).


Yes. Many family members and friends find CRAFT helpful regardless of where their loved one resides. CRAFT works at the pace that the families and friends desire.


CRAFT teaches family members and friends skills that can help with many relationship types. Participants will learn positive communication skills, problem solving skills, and the importance of self care. These skills can are helpful even if you are not in contact with your loved one right now.


CRAFT is made possible through the Behavioral Health Administration’s State Opioid Response (SOR) funding.