Behavioral Health Provider Resources on Involuntary Mental Health Services


The 27-65 Program is a mental health services program outlined in Colorado law (C.R.S. 27-65 et seq.) which regulates the involuntary care and treatment of individuals with mental health disorders. These services include:

  • Involuntary transportation
  • Emergency mental health holds
  • Emergency department assistance and subsequent 72-hour hold notifications
  • Court-ordered evaluations
  • Certifications
  • Involuntary medications

The State of Colorado requires all facilities that perform 27-65 procedures submit data to the Colorado Behavioral Health Administration to ensure client safety and maintain standards of care. This page serves as a resource to support providers in their reporting for this program.

Feedback form for the Mental Health Advisory Board

Statutes and rules

Learn about the Laws, Rules and Guidance on Mental Health Care and Treatment in Colorado.

Training resources
General resources

Upcoming Training Dates


Recorded Trainings

Other resources

Training office hours

Our trainers hold office hours twice a month via Zoom. Providers are invited to ask the training team targeted questions. Join using the links below:

Click here to request training.


27-65 trainers:

Care Coordination trainer:

Reporting template

27-65 Reporting Templates

Designation process
What does "designation" mean?

A designated facility is a facility approved by BHA pursuant to the provisions of the Care and Treatment of Persons with Mental Health Disorders. BHA is charged with ensuring that the procedures set forth in both statute and regulation are carried out in a manner that is in accordance with the law, and that all persons treated under this law in relation to a designation are afforded the rights given them by law. If those rights are restricted, all laws and procedures are followed in order to uphold the civil rights of those individuals.

As part of the designation, facilities are able to provide specific services only afforded to individuals within designated facilities, these include:

  • Certification: Court processes to enact involuntary care and treatment beyond 72 hours. Can be inpatient or outpatient treatment services.
  • Psychiatric Medications: Involuntary psychiatric medications include medications administered for psychiatric emergency conditions and non- emergency conditions. Please see 2 CCR 502-1, Section 11.8.1.
    • Emergency Conditions (§§ 27-65-104, -106, -108, -108.5, -109, -110, C.R.S.)- when someone is in imminent danger of harming him or herself or someone else and refuses acceptance of a psychiatric medication. This is only allowed under involuntary services. Please see 2 CCR 502-1, Section 11.8.3.
    • Non-Emergency Involuntary Medications (§§ 27-65-104, -106, -108, -108.5, -109, -110), C.R.S.) when and individual who is detained under the involuntary statutes would benefit from the administration of a psychiatric medication but the individual does not consent, the facility petitions the court to obtain. Please see 2 CCR 502-1, Section 11.8.4.
  • Seclusion and Restraint: Individuals being detained under §§ 27-65-104, -106, -108, -108.5, -109, -110), C.R.S. may be secluded or restrained over their objection under the conditions covered in 2 CCR 502-1, Section 11.9, otherwise there must be a signed consent for such an intervention as outlined in behavioral health rules and regulations.
  • Therapy or Treatment Using Special Procedures: Therapies using stimuli such as electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) or feeding tubes require special procedures for consent and shall be governed by 2 CCR 502-1, Section 11.10. If the individual undergoing treatment using special procedures is a child age 16 to 18 years old, the clinical record shall reflect informed consent by both the child and the legal guardian(s).
What is the application/renewal process?
  • Facilities applying for designation must submit an application through LADDERS, the State's online substance use disorder licensing and mental health designation application system and service directory.
  • All designations are annual renewals and require on-site inspection
What are reporting requirements?

Designated facilities must file an annual report with BHA pursuant to Rule Volume 2 CCR 502-1, Section 11.5.

Report a Terminating, Expiring, or Transferring Civil Certification

Effective July 1, 2024, facilities designated for involuntary care and treatment of individuals are required to notify the BHA whenever an involuntary civil certification is being terminated, allowed to expire, or transferred to another provider. For more information about required reporting or this form please consult the Care Coordination for People on Involuntary Civil Certification section of this page.

Please use the link below to submit one form for each individual who has an involuntary civil certification that is being terminated, allowed to expire, or transferred to another provider. This form submission is secure and meets HIPAA confidentiality requirements.

Report a Terminating, Expiring, or Transferring Civil Certification

Reporting form instructions


To view and download an individual form, scroll through the list below. For all forms, view the complete M-forms folder.

Click here for the Standardized Evaluation (M-7.5) Feedback Survey

Emergency Department Assistance and Subsequent M-1 Notification

The Emergency Department Assistance Program has been created to assist emergency departments with placement for subsequent mental health holds.

Contact info

To schedule a training or for questions regarding the Emergency Department Assistance Program, contact the BHA's Kalli Likness at kalli.likness@state.co.us or 720.594.0158.

Involuntary Civil Certification Programs

Care Coordination for People on Involuntary Civil Certification 

As of July 1, 2024, the Behavioral Health Administration (BHA) Care Coordination Team is providing two essential Care Coordination programs to providers serving individuals on involuntary civil certifications.

Care Coordination for Individuals Adjudicated Incompetent to Proceed (ITP) on Involuntary Civil Certifications: In accordance with HB23-1138 and CRS 27-65-108.5, the BHA has been entrusted with enhancing oversight, monitoring, and providing necessary care coordination support to individuals deemed ITP and meeting the criteria for involuntary civil certification. To gain deeper insights into this program, please refer to the official memo outlining its guidance.

Care Coordination for Individuals with Terminating, Expiring, or Transferring Involuntary Civil Certifications: Per HB22-1256, CRS 27-65-110(6), and CRS 27-65-108, the BHA is mandated to monitor and track individuals with "terminated" involuntary civil certifications (including those expired, transferred, or discharged from care). Furthermore, the BHA, or its contracted agents, will extend care coordination services to such individuals. For detailed information, please consult the official memo provided.

Involuntary Civil Certification Programs Memos: 

To view and download an individual form, scroll through the list below. For all forms, view the complete  Protocols folder.