Recovery Support Services

According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), recovery is a process of change through which individuals with mental and/or substance use disorders improve their health and wellness, live self-directed lives, and strive to reach their full potential. Recovery is supported through four key dimensions:

  • Health (access to quality health and behavioral health treatment)
  • Home (housing with needed supports)
  • Purpose (education, employment, and other pursuits)
  • Community (peer, family, and other social supports)

In addition, SAMHSA has identified 10 guiding principles of recovery:

  1. Recovery emerges from hope
  2. Recovery is person-driven
  3. Recovery occurs via many pathways
  4. Recovery is holistic
  5. Recovery is supported by peers and allies
  6. Recovery is supported through relationship and social networks
  7. Recovery is culturally-based and influenced
  8. Recovery is supported by addressing trauma
  9. Recovery involves individuals, families, community strengths, and responsibility
  10. Recovery is based on respect.

These principles underpin the approach to person-centered care offered to individuals in recovery. The continuum of care includes psychiatric and psychosocial interventions to address acute episodes or recurrence of symptoms associated with an individual's mental or substance use disorder. Recovery is built on access to evidence-based clinical treatment and recovery support services for all populations. Because mental and substance use disorders are chronic conditions, systems and services are necessary to facilitate the initiation, stabilization, and management of long-term recovery.

Statewide Strategic Plan for Substance Use Disorder Recovery: 2020-2025

Full Strategic Plan  Two-Page Summary

This plan - created in partnership with the state's leaders in behavioral health and hundreds of people in recovery - sets forth a vision of a system of care in Colorado that supports people who have struggled with addiction throughout their lives and is informing the Behavioral Health Administration's work to improve recovery resources for Coloradans.


Danielle Gillespie
Recovery Services Coordinator, Adult Treatment and Recovery Programs


Currently, the following partner receives BHA funding to offer Recovery Support Services:


Individual Placement and Support: Find employment opportunities for individuals with mental health and/or substance use disorders.

Oxford House: This organization offers 100 safe, substance-free living environments in Colorado that support people in recovery.

Recovery Residences: See a directory of Colorado's certified recovery residences.

Recovery Support Services Program 2017-2018: Program Evaluation and Playbook


Thanks to a boost in federal block grant dollars and legislative funding, the state is investing in recovery community organizations, peer coaches and recovery housing. If you are interested in coordinating recovery services for clients, reach out to your local Managed Service Organization.