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Expansion of Behavioral Health Safety Net Grant Program | Pre-Bidders Conference

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The Office of Behavioral Health will soon post a Request for Application (RFA) for a new grant program made possible through SB 21-137 which provided $2 million to address the need described in SB 19-222 for “improved access to a high-quality behavioral h

Prevention Grantee Spotlight: Partners of Delta, Montrose and Ouray

Jan. 30, 2022: January is National Mentoring Month, and the Colorado Department of Human Services, Office of Behavioral Health (OBH) wishes to celebrate the work of a few of our grantees who are invested in creating and expanding opportunities for youth through mentoring. Today we spotlight the work of Partners of Delta, Montrose and Ouray by featuring a submission from Partners Executive Director Curtis Hurst.

CYMHTA Brings Behavioral Health Care Directly to Colorado Families

Jan. 31, 2022: When a child shows signs of a mental health disorder, it’s critical to get them enrolled in services right away. But for many parents, finding the right care can be a long and exhausting process. The State’s Children and Youth Mental Health Treatment Act program, or CYMHTA, connects qualifying families to mental health treatment, a clinical care coordinator and additional services to keep children and families together during treatment.

Prevention Grantee Spotlight: Partners in Larimer County

Jan. 26, 2022: January is National Mentoring Month, and the Colorado Department of Human Services, Office of Behavioral Health (OBH) wishes to celebrate the work of a few of our grantees who are invested in creating and expanding opportunities for youth through mentoring. Today we spotlight the work of Partners Mentoring Youth in Larimer County by featuring a submission from Partners Community Based Program Manager Abby Rains.

Prevention Grantee Spotlight: Gunnison Valley Mentors

Jan. 24, 2022: January is National Mentoring Month, and the Colorado Department of Human Services, Office of Behavioral Health (OBH) wishes to celebrate the work of a few of our grantees who are invested in creating and expanding opportunities for youth through mentoring. Today we spotlight the work of Gunnison Valley Mentors by featuring a submission from Gunnison Valley Mentors Executive Director Tina McGuiness.

Behavioral Health Resources Available Following Marshall Fire

Jan. 10, 2022: The Colorado Department of Human Services is coordinating with other state agencies, providers, schools and community organizations to ensure Coloradans’ behavioral health needs are met following the Marshall fire on Dec. 30. We've compiled a list of behavioral health resources.

From Community Engagement to Empowerment

Jan. 6, 2022: The new Director of Equity and Community Engagement for the Office of Behavioral Health (OBH), René González, writes about his goals in his role and the importance of community empowerment for serving and being responsive to all Coloradans.

Partner Spotlight: Southeast Colorado County Sheriffs Partner to Open Re-Entry Center to Ease Transitions Into the Community

Dec. 21, 2021: Four county jails in Southeast Colorado (Prowers, Bent, Otero and Crowley) receive Jail Based Behavioral Health Services (JBBS) support to provides mental health, substance use, and re-entry services for incarcerated inmates. This summer, the jails partnered to open the Re-Entry Center in Lamar that serves as a space for clients to meet with the counties' shared transition services coordinator for help with referrals, sending applications to sober living programs, mental health, and substance use treatment facilities, as well as assisting them in applying for things like identification, birth certificates, Medicaid, and food assistance. 

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Our Purpose

All people in Colorado deserve to experience whole-person health

Our Vision

Behavioral health services in Colorado are accessible, meaningful, and trusted

Our Mission

Co-create a people-first behavioral health system that meets the needs of all people in Colorado

Our Values

Truth. Equity. Collaboration. Community Informed Practice. Generational Impact.