Evidence Based and Promising Practices Programs

National and regional trends in health care and economics are driving an increased focus on evidence-based practices (EBPs) in the US health care system. Numerous factors have heightened interest in EBPs, including the rapid expansion of scientific knowledge regarding the causes and treatments of medical, mental, and substance use disorders, the growing voice of consumer and advocacy sectors, the managed care reform movement, and concerns about the growing costs of health care. The Behavioral Health Administration (BHA) is committed to supporting the best quality of care for the citizens of Colorado and invested in developing and deploying the expertise within the BHA to support service providers. Through resource development, technical assistance, training, enhanced communication strategies, and contract monitoring, the BHA seeks to build provider capacity in offering evidence based and promising practices to ensure the highest quality of care and the best possible outcomes for individuals and families in need.

The BHA works closely with contracted providers, including Community Mental Health Centers (CMHCs), Substance Use treatment providers, and Prevention Services providers, to incorporate the use of EBPs into treatment programming. All 18 Colorado CMHCs are required by contract to provide at least one EBP. The BHA also requires contracted Prevention Services providers to comply with SAMHSA's National Outcome Measures by collecting and reporting the appropriate programmatic data. The strategies adopted by the BHA funded substance abuse prevention program now housed at the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, align with SAMHSA's Strategic Prevention Framework.