Mental Health Advisory Board for Service Standards and Regulations

The Mental Health Advisory Board for Service Standards and Regulations was created pursuant to Section 27-65-131, C.R.S. The board is tasked with recommending standards and rules relevant to the provisions of Title 27, Article 65, C.R.S., the Care and Treatment of Persons with Mental Illness. Board members are appointed by the governor and serve three-year terms.

Board members consist of 15 people with representation from state agencies, the University of Colorado Health Sciences Center, psychiatrists, nonprofit health care facilities, the Colorado Bar Association, consumers of mental health services, family members, children's health care facilities, and law enforcement officers. All members are appointed by the governor and serve three-year terms. This governor appointed council is recruiting new members until the end of April. You can apply by clicking the link in the blue box below and select the “Mental Health Advisory Board for Service Standards & Regulations” on the drop down menu. We are looking for various members with a working knowledge of Article 65. 

Last updated: March 10, 2024


The board meets once a month on the fourth Friday of each month from 10 a.m. to noon.

Meeting Recordings

Find meeting recordings on our MHAB YouTube Playlist


Mental Health Advisory Board Members Contact List FY24-25

Agendas and minutes

Legislation and reports

§ C.R.S 27-65-130: Statute Governing the Mental Health Advisory Board for Service Standards and Regulations.

Board recommendations


MHAB public questionnaire and feedback form in English / form in Spanish

Behavioral Health Provider Resources on Involuntary Mental Health Services

Behavioral health licensing, designation and approvals