Peer support specialists

About peer support

The Behavioral Health Administration is committed to ensuring that all people in Colorado experience whole-person health. As part of this commitment, the BHA recognizes that peer support is a meaningful, evidence-based and a proven effective approach to assist all individuals, youth and families within and outside of traditional behavioral health services.

The peer support profession is comprised of people with lived experience in navigating personal prevention, treatment and recovery processes, who help others experiencing similar situations. Through shared understanding, respect and mutual empowerment, peer support specialists help people become, stay engaged in and transition across behavioral health treatment levels and increase the likelihood of positive outcomes.

Peer Quarterly Collaborative Meetings

The BHA will host quarterly Peer Support Workforce Collaborative Meetings, open to any member or affiliate of the peer support workforce, and held virtually in order to be accessible to everyone. These meetings will provide an opportunity to discuss peer workforce needs, trends and state-led workforce initiatives in the spirit of collaboration, listening and learning together.

Peer Support Steering Committee

The BHA will convene an advisory Peer Support Steering Committee made up of individuals representing stakeholder interests throughout the state. The committee will work with the BHA to make recommendations for appropriate levels of statewide standardization of the peer support professional role, including but not limited to: professional standards; job titles and descriptions; and increasing opportunities for the peer workforce.

Workforce report

One of the top priorities in the BHA workforce strategic plan is to expand and strengthen the peer support workforce throughout the state. The peer support model allows for tiered entry into the workforce, elevates lived experiences, and reduces traditional barriers to entering the workforce.

View the Investing in the Peer Support Workforce report.

Peer listening sessions

The BHA held two sessions in December 2022 for peer support specialists to give their perspectives. The purpose of these sessions was to inform a peer support specialist strategic plan.