BHA Launches Performance Hub, Building Upon Five Priorities to Continue Transforming  Behavioral Healthcare in Colorado

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BHA shares five focus areas for the next year and future; invites Coloradans to actively participate in the transformation and learn about vital services 

DENVER (July 1, 2024) - Upon its launch two years ago, the Behavioral Health Administration (BHA) was charged with transforming Colorado’s behavioral healthcare system. Today, BHA shares progress and vision for five priorities that will shape its work for the next year and beyond: 


  • BHA Performance Hub: Launching Colorado’s Behavioral Health Data Bank 
  • Behavioral Health Care Grievance and Complaint Process: Increasing Transparency & Improving Timelines
  • Behavioral Health Safety Net System: Reforming and Strengthening with Public Input
  • Behavioral Health Care Coordination System: Coordinating Support
  • Children and Youth Behavioral Health Implementation Plan: Delivering Improved Access 


With time, these five priorities will make a meaningful difference for all people in Colorado seeking high-quality, equitable and affordable behavioral health care services.  


“The launch and progressive implementation of our Five Priorities is the transformation of the behavioral healthcare system that BHA is charged with delivering for the people of Colorado,” said Dannette R. Smith, BHA Commissioner. “In the immediate term and with time, these are the steps that will make change tangible to our communities. Over the coming months, we look forward to traveling around the state to share more about these priorities, and to invite residents into the process, so that we can continue to learn about the behavioral health challenges that people in Colorado face.” 


Beginning later this summer, Commissioner Smith and the BHA team will host “Community Conversations” across Colorado. These listening sessions will provide community members the opportunity to share their concerns and challenges with Commissioner Smith and BHA leadership, and to learn more about BHA’s work on their behalf as Colorado’s behavioral health authority. Additional details will be released in early August. 


Find details on each priority below:


BHA Performance Hub: Launching Colorado’s Data Bank 

Launched today, the BHA Performance Hub serves as a bank of information about the current state of access to high-quality behavioral health care in Colorado. It also includes information on factors like funding and workforce, which influences and impacts quality and access across the behavioral health care continuum. The BHA Performance Hub can be accessed on the BHA website


Behavioral Health Care Grievance and Complaint Process: Increasing Transparency & Timelines

Now available on our website, BHA’s Behavioral Health Care Grievance and Complaint Process is updated to enhance usability, increase allowable transparency in grievance data reporting, ensure transparency with complainants throughout the grievance process, and increase collaboration between state agencies where applicable. Find more information about the Behavioral Health Care Grievance and Complaint Process here. 


Behavioral Health Safety Net System: Reforming and Improving with Public Input

BHA is committed to reforming and improving Colorado's Behavioral Health Safety Net, a system of care that ensures high-quality services for our most vulnerable, high needs populations. As the state’s behavioral health authority, BHA is developing rules for the safety net system, and will invite feedback from the community prior to adoption by the Commissioner in the coming weeks and months. 


Behavioral Health Care Coordination System: Strengthening Support

BHA has established a care coordination system to support people who are placed on an involuntary mental health civil certification and in need of ongoing treatment. Learn more about the Behavioral Health Care Coordination System on the BHA website.


Children and Youth Behavioral Health Implementation Plan: Delivering Improved Access Launched in January 2024, the Children and Youth Behavioral Health Implementation Plan increases access and quality of behavioral health services for Colorado children and youth. This five-year plan includes annual updates to guide future work. Visit the BHA website to learn more about the Children and Youth Behavioral Health Implementation Plan.

Many of these efforts are supported by legislative directives including Colorado Revised Statute 27-50-201Colorado Revised Statute Section 27-50-108, and Colorado Revised Statutes 27-50-30

BHA is committed to community informed practice and co-creation. As BHA continues to share updates on our work, we invite the public to provide us with feedback. To learn more, please visit our calendar of public meetings and events which will be updated with community conversations details throughout the fall and summer, or email us at


Media Opportunities

Interviews and headshots are available. Contact BHA’s Media Manager, Stefany Busch at, 303-905-3542.