Stefany Busch, Media Manager
DENVER, CO (July 10, 2024) - The Colorado Behavioral Health Administration (BHA) and 988 Crisis Hotline Enterprise proudly announce the launch of a campaign to increase awareness and utilization of the 988 Colorado Mental Health Line (988). The service connects people in Colorado to trained crisis specialists offering compassionate mental health, emotional, and substance use support via call, text, and chat.
Colorado has been a pioneer in delivering life-saving crisis services since 2014 with its Colorado Crisis Line, well ahead of the federal mandate for state-provided crisis services. With the nationwide introduction of 988 in July 2022, there is now a unified, easy-to-remember number for those in crisis.
“This is an exciting moment that further demonstrates Colorado’s commitment to leading the nation in providing high-quality crisis services to anyone in our state who finds themself in need,” said Dannette R. Smith, BHA Commissioner. “While many people in Colorado have long been aware of the Colorado Crisis Services Line, only about 5% of people in Colorado know about 988. In Colorado, there is no wrong door for receiving crisis services - through CCS AND 988 - and we are thrilled to have this opportunity to further promote the three easy numbers that will lead to life-saving support for our communities - our goal is to ensure every Coloradan knows that help is just a call, text, or chat away.”
“The 988 Crisis Hotline Enterprise is thrilled to partner closely with BHA to launch this campaign to raise awareness and promote critical 988 services,” added Juan Escobedo, 988 Crisis Hotline Enterprise Board Chair. “Through funding from our Board and the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), we were able to spend the past year conducting extensive research and community engagement - including conversations with youth and adults - to ensure that the messages included in this campaign are culturally relevant, inclusive, impactful and can effectively reach and inform communities all across Colorado.”
Now, 988 in Colorado has a new website, logo, and name designed with the input of Coloradans. It is important to note that those who are familiar with CCS will still be able to call or text to get the support they need from the number they know well. But now, they’ll have an additional option with the extremely easy to remember 988 number.
To learn more about key 988 partners and the future of Colorado Crisis Services, BHA invites the public to a 988 Informational Session on Wednesday, July 31, 2024 from 12:00pm - 1:00pm.
Please share specific questions you have about 988 with town hall presenters via this form.
Learn more on the 988 Colorado website.
Media Opportunities
- Join us for a media briefing webinar about the campaign, offering high level information on background.
- Interviews, headshots, and visual assets are available. Contact BHA’s Media Manager, Stefany Busch at, 303-905-3542.
About The 988 Colorado Mental Health Line
The 988 Colorado Mental Health Line (988) is the new, easy-to-remember number that allows anyone concerned about mental health, emotional or substance use to be immediately connected with a trained specialist who will listen without judgement. 988 is free, confidential and available 24/7. If you or someone you know is struggling, call or text 988 or visit to live chat.
About the 988 Crisis Hotline Enterprise
In preparation for the launch of 988 in Colorado, Senate Bill 21-154 established the 988 Crisis Hotline Enterprise in the Department to:
- Impose a 988 surcharge and a prepaid wireless 988 charge;
- Fund the 988 crisis hotline;
- Work with third parties to provide crisis outreach, stabilization, and acute care;
- Authorize and issue revenue bonds payable from the newly created 988 Crisis Hotline Cash Fund; and
- Adopt, amend, or repeal policies to regulate its affairs.
The enterprise is governed by a board of directors appointed by the Governor.
About the Behavioral Health Administration
The Colorado Behavioral Health Administration (BHA) is the state administration responsible for ensuring all people in Colorado have access to quality mental health and substance use disorder services, regardless of where they live, or ability to pay. As a regulatory body, BHA brings together community groups and governmental agencies to create a behavioral health system for all people in Colorado that is easy to access, and offers high-quality care that considers the whole person and their needs. Find us online at or follow us on social media at @BHAConnect.