Laws and rules

The State of Colorado is in a period of regulatory transition and behavioral health reform. Concurrently, the state is entering a period of rule promulgation and updates related to the BHA provider rules. 

The content and structure of this BHA Laws and Rules page is being restructured to better serve your needs and guide you to the best starting point for your engagement with BHA. If you are interested in the upcoming rule process, this page is for you. 

Last updated: March 7, 2025

Iterative Rule Volumes

BHA is committed to ensuring Coloradans receive quality behavioral health services. This requires BHA rules and regulations to remain updated and relevant. Please review the drafted updates to BHA Rule Volumes: 2 CCR 502-1 (Provider Rules), 2 CCR 502-5 (System/Commissioner Rules); and 2 CCR 502-6 (Administrative Rules) and upcoming rule engagement opportunities. For more information about BHA's rule volumes click here. Access the meeting recording and meeting slides from the initial Community Feedback session in September.

Proposed Rule Updates

Proposed Rule Feedback Meetings

BHA invites community members, including health care providers, to preview the rule drafts and join one of the scheduled in-person or virtual meetings to share their feedback: 

In-person meetings

Please RSVP for in-person meetings via this Google Form

  • Frisco - December 2, 2024
    • Summit County Community and Senior Center
    • 83 Nancy's Place, Frisco, CO 80443
    • 10:00-11:30am

Virtual Meetings

If community members are unable to attend one of the sessions, they are encouraged to send comments and questions via the 2024 Rules Feedback Google Form prior to December 1, 2024. 

Upcoming Transitions

ASAM Virtual Feedback Meetings

Past ASAM Meetings

Contact us

Have questions or feedback for us? The information below will help you target your email to team that is best equipped to respond to you.

Provider-support questions and issues
Email addressPurposeWhat to send here?Monitored by

Email inbox that is equipped to handle a larger volume of emails that may contain sensitive information
  • Fingerprint-involved needs
  • 27-65 questions
  • Generic and/or onboarding-focused licensing inquiries
Q&S division supervisors and an onboarding licensing staff (able to assist with generic licensing inquiries)
cdhs_bha_provider_support@state.co.usData and a provider-focused email inbox that is equipped to handle technology and data-involved support needs 
  • TMS needs
  • DRS record requests
  • Data needs (DACODS and/or CCAR)
  • Central Registry needs
Data and technological support team
cdhs_ladders@state.co.usEquipped to handle provider support needs related to the LADDERS licensing system
  • Access issues
  • Adding or removing personnel to LADDERS system
LADDERS support team
Policy and rule feedback and concerns
Email addressPurposeWhat to send here?Monitored by

Q&S email inbox that focuses on feedback and needs specific to BHA provider rules (2 CCR 502-1)
  • Suggestions for changes to the behavioral health rules 
  • Suggestions are welcome at all times, although changes can only be made through a rule promulgation process. BHA plans to undergo rule promulgation annually.
Safety Net licensing team
cdhs_bha_complaint@state.co.usQ&S email inbox that focuses on complaints and grievances on any BHA licensed and/or designated agency
  • Complaints about BHA licensed and/or designated agency
  • Concerns about the quality of services and standards of a BHA-licensed and/or designated agency
BHA Ombudsman Liaison and supports
cdhs_bha_feedback@state.co.usQ&S email inbox that focuses on any constructive feedback for BHA
  • BHA feedback
  • Stakeholder feedback for the new grievance system (in development)
BHA Ombudsman Liaison and supports