March 2024 Technology Office Hours


Thank you so much for attending our March 2024 BHA Technology Office Hours!  
The slides can be accessed here if you were unable to attend. 
The recording can be viewed on BHA's Youtube.
If you have questions after looking through the slides or recording please reach out to us via email at: cdhs_bha_provider_support@state.co.us.
Here is a recap of topics we discussed last week. 

Technology Trainings


  • Live trainings have been put on hold temporarily
  • Creating shorter recorded videos so individuals can learn on demand 
  • More updates to come in future office hours 
  • If you have any outstanding training questions or needs, please contact Amanda at: cdhs_bha_provider_support@state.co.us  


  • HCPF PeakPro training for April
    • Session 1:  April 2, 1-2 PM OR April 3, 1:30-2:30 PM
    • Session 2:  April 9, 1-2:30 PM OR April 10, 1:30-3 PM
    • Session 3:  April 23, 1-2 PM OR April 24, 1:30-2:30 PM
  • Each session offered twice for scheduling ease, only need to attend one of each session
    Registration site will be live after Friday, March 15
  • If the sessions become full, registration site will give further information about waitlist for future training
DUI Service Updates

Reminder: Agencies/providers must provide clients with a validated DUI/DWAI Referral Summary (DRS) form in person, by mail or encrypted email within 10 business days of discharge from the program at no charge. 

  • If you or a client need to request a DRS record from us, please use the updated consent forms English and Spanish which are also found on the BHA website

We are directing the public to use the following email addresses to communicate with BHA about the following topics:

The DUI services webpage on BHA’s website recently underwent some changes. 

  • “DUI services” is now in the top banner of the homepage making the page easier to find. 
  • There are two pages for DUI services than will drop down when you hover over the “DUI Services” button:
    • Information for people with a DUI or DWAI 
    • Information for DUI service providers
  • The content on both pages has been modified slightly to increase readability

Bed Tracking & Care Coordination Tools - Pilot Update

  • What: BHA technology team ran a pilot with providers currently using EMResource to update their bed availability. 
  • When: The pilot ran for 7 day, providers updated their bed availability once a day. 
  • Why: We are preparing for a summer launch of bed tracking within a new system, this pilot helped us to gather final user feedback and usability scores for this new technology. 
  • What’s Next: We will share our findings here and provide more information on system launch timelines. 

Community Discussion

This is a recap of our community discussion and answers provided in this month's technology office hours. 

PeakPro Training

  • Who from our training (which department ) would be the best to attend these meetings? In regards to Peak Pro trainings 
    • PeakPro training is only open to BHA contracted providers (CMHCs and provider networks created by BHA ASOs and MSOs) due to HIPAA restrictions.  If you are not part of one of those organizations, PeakPro training does not apply to you.
    • If PeakPro training does apply to your organization, PeakPro may be used by multiple functions within your organization.  PeakPro is used to verify Medicaid eligibility of a client, to submit applications for both Medicaid and BHA services, and to create a Medicaid ID/State ID number for the client that will be required as part of encounter submissions.  PeakPro can also be used to apply for other state benefits managed by CBMS, or to help a client complete a benefit renewal application.  Functions within your organization that may use PeakPro could include case managers, clinicians, onboarding staff, front desk, and/or billing, depending on the size and structure of your organization, and internal procedures. Someone can attend PeakPro training to understand the application and usage even if the individual would not eventually have a personal PeakPro account.
    • If you have questions about Peak Pro training, contact Justin.man@State.co.us  or aidan.barrett@state.co.us 

DUI Service

Capacity Tracking & Bed Management System

  • Are there plans to allow us to automate the bed status updates, possibly using web service APIs? This is something we are looking into for future iterations of our technology systems, but will not be part of the summer launch. 
  • Are details sorted by region? Or can you pivot the data so you can pull specific areas? We will explore the idea of being able to filter by regions though, great idea! 

Design Research Compensation

  • We talked about what providers would prefer in terms of compensation for design research opportunities which resulted in a wonderful discussion you can listen in to about halfway through the recording <3

See you next month!

Technology Office Hours will be held on the 2nd Wednesday of each month from 1-2pm MST.

The next office hours will be held on April 10, 2024.

Register here!