Blog Post

National Suicide and Crisis Lifeline, 988, Launches in Colorado

As of July 16, 2022, Colorado and the rest of the United States are using the 988 dialing code, a new, easy-to-remember three-digit number for call (multiple languages), text, or chat (English only) that connects people to the existing National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (Lifeline), where compassionate, accessible care and support is available for anyone experiencing mental health-related distress.

BHA Virtual Launch Event and Press Conference

On Friday, July 1 from 11:30 am to 2:00 pm we celebrated the official launch of the Behavioral Health Administration (BHA) at our Virtual Community Launch Event & Press Conference!

You can watch a recording of the event on the BHA's YouTube channel

The event was unique, beginning with a meditation and movement session and ending with a dance party because we recognize that we have to show up authentically and in line with our values as we build trust in a reimagined system. 

Behavioral Health Administration Launches in Colorado

COLORADO (July 1, 2022) — The Behavioral Health Administration (BHA), a new cabinet member-led state agency designed to improve mental health care and substance use treatment in Colorado, launched today with a virtual community event & press conference.

The event was unique, beginning with a meditation and movement session and ending with a “generational Impact” dance party. The event represents the BHA’s values as we build trust in a reimagined system. 

Expansion of Behavioral Health Safety Net Grant Program | Pre-Bidders Conference

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The Office of Behavioral Health will soon post a Request for Application (RFA) for a new grant program made possible through SB 21-137 which provided $2 million to address the need described in SB 19-222 for “improved access to a high-quality behavioral h

Seeking members for Domestic Abuse Statutory Task Force

CDHS is convening a Domestic Abuse Statutory Task Force, and we are seeking applications for voting members. The task force will bring together a diverse stakeholder group to propose a definition of domestic abuse to be included in the Children's Code.

Prevention Grantee Spotlight: Partners of Delta, Montrose and Ouray

Jan. 30, 2022: January is National Mentoring Month, and the Colorado Department of Human Services, Office of Behavioral Health (OBH) wishes to celebrate the work of a few of our grantees who are invested in creating and expanding opportunities for youth through mentoring. Today we spotlight the work of Partners of Delta, Montrose and Ouray by featuring a submission from Partners Executive Director Curtis Hurst.

CYMHTA Brings Behavioral Health Care Directly to Colorado Families

Jan. 31, 2022: When a child shows signs of a mental health disorder, it’s critical to get them enrolled in services right away. But for many parents, finding the right care can be a long and exhausting process. The State’s Children and Youth Mental Health Treatment Act program, or CYMHTA, connects qualifying families to mental health treatment, a clinical care coordinator and additional services to keep children and families together during treatment.

Prevention Grantee Spotlight: Partners in Larimer County

Jan. 26, 2022: January is National Mentoring Month, and the Colorado Department of Human Services, Office of Behavioral Health (OBH) wishes to celebrate the work of a few of our grantees who are invested in creating and expanding opportunities for youth through mentoring. Today we spotlight the work of Partners Mentoring Youth in Larimer County by featuring a submission from Partners Community Based Program Manager Abby Rains.

Get to know Colorado’s BHA 

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Our Purpose

All people in Colorado deserve to experience whole-person health

Our Vision

Behavioral health services in Colorado are accessible, meaningful, and trusted

Our Mission

Co-create a people-first behavioral health system that meets the needs of all people in Colorado

Our Values

Truth. Equity. Collaboration. Community Informed Practice. Generational Impact.