Blog Post

OBH Partner Spotlight: Invest in Kids Launches Child First Serving Families

Sept. 24, 2021: Invest in Kids is an OBH sub-contractor receiving High-Risk Families Cash Funds to implement Child First—a national, evidence-based, two-generation, trauma-informed, home-visiting model that works with young children and their caregivers who are most impacted by systemic and structural inequities through intensive, home-based services. In this blog post, Child First Program Director Marisa A. Guillicksrud, LCSW, offers a glimpse into her team’s efforts to roll out the program’s first cohort.

Invitation to Comment on 2022-23 Behavioral Health Block Grant Application

​ Update Sept 1, 2022:  A FFY2022/2023 grant application is now available for submission. Sept. 1, 2021: The Office of Behavioral Health is seeking public comment on Colorado’s combined mental health and substance use federal block grant application for Federal Fiscal Year 2022-23. The deadline to submit comments is Oct. 1, 2021.

Servicios de La Raza reconoce el mes de la salud mental de BIPOC

Julio es el mes de Salud Mental por Black, Indigenous and People of Color. Para aprendar más de atención culturalmente receptiva, hablamos con Neva Martinez Ortega, MA, LPCC, and Anaisa Lua, MA, LPCC, dos prestadores con Servicios de La Raza. Servicios de La Raza es beneficiario de la Oficina de Salud Conductual y una cliníca de salud mental communidad. 

Provider Spotlight: Servicios de La Raza Honors BIPOC Mental Health Awareness Month

July 20, 2021: July is Black, Indigenous and People of Color Mental Health Awareness Month. To learn more about culturally-responsive care, we spoke to Neva Martinez Ortega, MA, LPCC, and Anaisa Lua, MA, LPCC, two providers with Servicios de La Raza. Servicios de La Raza is an Office of Behavioral Health grantee and a Community Mental Health Clinic. 

State agencies partner to provide IDs to incarcerated Coloradans 

Many people use their identification cards every day without much thought, but for those leaving Colorado’s jails, an ID is a ticket back into the community. Learn how the Colorado Department of Human Services, Office of Behavioral Health and the Department of Revenue are teaming up to bring identification services directly to jails.

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Our Purpose

All people in Colorado deserve to experience whole-person health

Our Vision

Behavioral health services in Colorado are accessible, meaningful, and trusted

Our Mission

Co-create a people-first behavioral health system that meets the needs of all people in Colorado

Our Values

Truth. Equity. Collaboration. Community Informed Practice. Generational Impact.